The environment mismanagement has serious effects on human and productivity.The evil effects of environment negligence are as follows :
- Deforestation :There is following deforestation in LDCs.The deforestation creates.Landslide ,floods and increase disease and mortality rate.Similarly,it increase soil-erosion,reduces watershed reserve,changes climate and destroy natural habit.Due to deforestation many species of birds and animals have been extinct.Deforestation can upset the ecological function ,which forest perform.
- Soil degradation :The environmental negligence leads to soil degradation and
reduction of productivity.It reduces the quality of agriculture land.The sol degradation reduces the yields of crops.Due to this the total production of main crops are decreasing these days.
- Water pollution and water scarcity :Water pollution harms human health and lowers production.There is frequent occurrence of underground water leading to water scarcity.This causes water scarcity for drinking,bathing,irrigation and industrial use.
- Air pollution :The use of energy,smoke for vehicle and industries are causing air pollution.This is creating breathing related diseases such as hypertension,high blood pressure.
- Loss of bio-diversity :The environmental degradation reduces bio-diversity.It reduces the adaptability of Eco-system and loss of genetic resources.There is ecosystem overload,which means a state in which natural processes cannot recycle all the waste substance dumped into the environment.It results into the build up of wast.Hence,if unchecked,it leads to ultimate distribution of the environment and its capacity to sustain life.
- Atmospheric change :There is ozone depletion which causes different disease related to air.There is increase in global warming.The forest,agriculture and ecosystem are affected by atmospheres change.
- Loss of amenities :The environmental degradation reduces the value natural in respect of its amenities.These are the facilities that nature provides in various forms for sports,recreation and for spiritual advancement.
- Health hazard :The environment degradation adversely affects human health.Air,water,noise pollution along with atmospheric changes cause many fatal diseases and premature deaths.The loss of biodiversity cause a big potential loss of new drugs .
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