Thursday, April 1, 2010

Concept of natural resource management

Concept of natural resource management
Natural resources consist of all that is given by nature on,above and under the surface of the earth.These resources exist in natural world.Man uses them through their knowledge and labour.
According to a united Nations study"A natural resources is anything found by man in his benefit."In this broad sense,the resources provided by natural included:
  • The rocks in which are contained mineral-ores,energy sources such as oil,coal,gas.
  • The soils,which nourish the plant and animals life.
  • The elements of the landscape,which provides sit for building,roads,railways and other structure.
  • Surface and underground waters which are indispensable to human,animal and plant life.Water also provides sources of energy through hydro electricity power.
  • The air and everything that constitutes the atmosphere,which is essential life.
The environment is the sum total of the natural resources.These are like the capital that man uses for the production of goods,which the consumers.The environment also supplies amenities of various types,which give pleasure.The environment is,thus,many things provided by nature.All these are the basis of man's life.Webster's new world dictionary defines environment as "The conditions,circumstance,and influences surrounding,and affecting the development of an organism or group of organisms."Here organism is primarily human being,and group of organisms is called ecological systems or ecosystem.These systems profoundly affect human well being.

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